The robot can realize real-time motion control, high-speed digital data acquisition, real-time calculation, autonomous task planning and database management. The robot has the functions of self charging, Automatic wake-up, autonomous navigation and positioning, outdoor detection, remote mobile video monitoring and indoor remote control autonomous operation detection. By carrying different equipment, the robot can be used in many fields, such as industrial logistics, loading and handling of production lines, fire fighting operation, external monitoring of oil storage, electric power inspection and detection, field detection, military and other fields. Main technical parameters: Travel speed: 0-1.50m/s; communication: 5.8G seamless roaming (effective distance greater than 100m); climbing capacity: greater than 15 °; working time: more than 10h with full power; walking accuracy: ± 20mm; parking: multiple stations can be set for automatic parking and release; parking accuracy: ± 10mm; guidance mode: tape guidance; charging mode: independent charging
Technology offers from China
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Inspection robot
ProjectInspection robot
FieldsAdvanced Manufacturing Technology